Create and share videos and pictures with the world.

Freely watch, create, and share videos and pictures on your favorite topics while building supportive communities through groups, comment, likes, and chats.

Our Purpose

We created youflix because we believe people deserve more choices when it comes to viewing and create video content online.

Why youflix?

We set out to create a social media app that facilitates open, responsible discussions across many topics while keeping things clean and fun. And we believe that we’ve done just that! A free place where anyone can socialize with friends, family members, and the newly acquainted.

Share Videos

Share your video and photo creations with your followers, friends, and family. Then share theirs!

Build Communities

Post comments, like, and chat with people inside your communities.

See How It Works


APP Downloads


Happy Clients


Total App Rates


Awrds Winned


Make Friends

Chat with your friends and followers about your favorite videos pictures.

Build Communities

Post comments, like, and chat with people inside your communities.


Finally! youflix has created a social media app that allows it users to truly express themselves while maintaining a safe and friendly environment for everyone. To those who said it couldn’t be done. Here it is!

Scott Willis

COO of VistaTech

The social media app we’ve all been waiting for! Having a place were I can post and share my videos freely is a dream

Samantha Conner

VP, Products InspireIT

youflix is truly changing the social media landscape by offering people more freedom and choice when it comes to sharing content and building online communities.

Jamal Redwin

CEO Redwin Industries

App Features

Build your channel and view content using the most robust set of features you’ve ever see on a social media app.

Manage Your Channel

Customize your channel’s look and feel to create a brand. Organize your videos and photos to make it easy for your followers to find and view your content.

Create Groups

Build groups around specific topics that keep everyone engaged and having fun.

Connect with Everyone

Send messages, post comments, like, start discussions, and share content to keep the conversations going.

Download Today

Get the app and tell your friends and family to see you on youflix!

Contact Us

All lines of communication are open. Submit a message, give us a call, or send us an email. We want to hear from you anyway we can!

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    United States